Seeing if Voters have Voted

Providing the vote administrator the ability to monitor voter status during a live vote ensures they can provide technical or logistical support to voters during the voting process, as well as monitor voter turnout and quorum. The Results Page is used to monitor your voter list to stay updated on the progress of your vote.


To view the details of each voter:

  • When the vote is running, simply click on the vote's name in your Dashboard to be brought to the Results Page. Alternatively, identify the vote you want to manage from your dashboard, and from its "Actions" menu, choose the "Voter List and Status" link.


  • Review the voter list. You can also search for the voter by entering their contact information in the "Search" field.
  • You can also filter the voter list based on the notice type and status using the dropdown menus.


You will see the status of The Voter: whether they have received their notice, and if they have voted, as well as anything else important regarding that voter (like whether their ballot was spoiled, or if their contact information was updated).

Please note: if you have allowed the administrator to view the results of the vote while the vote is running, and have chosen to keep voter choices anonymous, we hide the last three voters to protect their anonymity. After the vote ends, the status of the last three voters is updated and you can see if everyone has voted.

For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen

Jan 22, 2025