Edit Voter Contact Information After the Vote Has Started

Despite an organization's best efforts, there can be times when the contact information an administrator has used for a voter is outdated, or the voter reaches out and provided new information after the notices have already been sent. Incorrect contact information can cause an "Undeliverable" Voter Status on the Results Page. This means an Email or SMS notice couldn't be delivered and ElectionBuddy received a bounce-back message from our Email and SMS providers.

If the Undeliverable status was due to a voter's contact information being incorrect, you can edit it while the vote is running, and ElectionBuddy will automatically resend the voter's notice to the updated contact information.

Important to Know

Below are a few common items to note when editing a voter's contact information during your running vote.

  • The notice is automatically re-sent to your voter, with the original Access Keys
  • You can only edit an individual voter's contact information twice
  • ElectionBuddy logs all edits to a voter's contact information, to provide an audit trail and help maintain the integrity of your vote
  • If you have Surfaced a Voter's Access Key or downloaded Voter Access Keys you are unable to update the voter's contact information

Editing a Voter's Contact Information

  • On the Voters tab of the Results Page
  • Select the box next to the voter you want to edit, and an Actions menu will open
  • Choose "Edit Voter" and the Edit Voter page will open


  • Update the voter's information by clicking on the cells
  • Enter an "Update Reason" for the edit in the text box
  • Select the Validate button
  • Select Update and Exit when ready to submit the updates
  • The notice will automatically be sent to the voter using the updated information.


For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen