Copying and Pasting Your Voter List From a Spreadsheet

You may store your voter list in a separate document or file and want to add your voter list to your vote without having to download the file as a CSV. ElectionBuddy makes it easy to add your voter list by copying and pasting!

When copying and pasting, ElectionBuddy requires the use of keyboard shortcuts, as you will not be able to paste into the ElectionBuddy voter list with a mouse right-click.

To Copy:

  • For Windows users, press "CTRL" + "C" simultaneously on your keyboard.
  • For Mac users, press "CMND" + "C" simultaneously on your keyboard.

To Paste:

  • For Windows users, press "CTRL" + "V" simultaneously on your keyboard.
  • For Mac users, press "CMND" + "V" simultaneously on your keyboard.

How to Copy and Paste a Voter List

  • Ensure the voter list is properly formatted, to avoid any problems.
  • Select all relevant columns within your sheet.
    • Avoid selecting column headings (usually the first row in your list).
    • If you have columns that don't match the ElectionBuddy columns, it is easiest to remove them in Excel before copying.
  • Copy the selected cells in Excel using keyboard shortcuts.
  • Open ElectionBuddy, access the voter list table and paste the copied list into the upper left cell.
    • You don't need to select all the cells, just the upper left one.
  • To review your list, select or click outside the field.
  • Validate the data within the list by selecting the "Validate List" button.
    • Any errors will be highlighted just under the Validate List Button.
  • Only copy and paste the columns in Excel that match the columns in ElectionBuddy.
  • To avoid pasting the entire voter list into a single cell, don't double-click the cell you're pasting into.
  • If you have errors and your list has a lot of rows (>100), instead of fixing the list in ElectionBuddy, it is easier to edit your Excel list and copy and paste it a second time.
  • See the example below for a 2-column copy and paste of ID and Email

id and email.jpg

For more ways to add your Voter List check out: Using a Voter List from a Previous Vote and Importing Your Voter List.

For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen

Feb 13, 2025