Vote Results - When They are Visible and Who Can See Them

ElectionBuddy allows you to customize when and what information is shown in the results. Three settings control this information:

Results can be customized, for both the administrator and the voters, from the first page of your vote setup, the "Details" page.

Voter Anonymity

The first setting in the "Security" section controls whether voters' choices are visible with the results, and to who:


This setting controls whether the voter's choices are hidden, visible to administrators, or visible to voters and administrators. Typically, most administrators choose to hide the voters' choices as most organizations' bylaws and related legislation require this to maintain vote integrity. This setting is non-adjustable once your vote is running.

Administrator Access to Results

The second security setting addresses when the administrator can view the result. Either while the vote is running, or not until the vote is over: This setting is also non-adjustable when your vote is running.


If your setting is "Anytime after voting starts," which allows the administrator to view the results while the vote is running, the "Voted" status of the three most recent voters is obscured in the voter list.

Voter Access to Results

The third security setting determines when the voters can view the results, if at all:


  • Any time after the voting starts — voters will be able to use their ballot link to view the results of the vote while it is running. An email with the results link can be scheduled and sent out to all voters after the vote closes.
  • Only after voting ends — voters will be able to use their ballot link to view the results of the vote after it has closed. An email with the results link can be scheduled and sent out to all voters after the vote closes.
  • No access allowed — voters will not be able to view the results of the vote through ElectionBuddy. This setting, unlike the first two, can be changed while your vote is running.

For more information on the results please see: Results and Reports - Voting Results.

Jul 19, 2024