Sort Questions, Positions, or Candidates on the Ballot

During setup, you may have initially added ballot questions or candidate names in one order but would like to present them to the voters differently than originally added in order to meet the ballot experience and voting flow your organization would like. For example, amendment votes first, and positions next.

ElectionBuddy allows you to rearrange the order of your questions, position, and candidates on your ballot. Please note, this feature requires a JavaScript-enabled browser.

Changing the Order of Ballot Questions

To use the "Sort Question" button, you will need to have at least two ballot questions on your ballot. If needed, please Adding Multiple Questions on a Ballot.

Select "Sort Questions" located below your last ballot question.


Your ballot questions will become a list. Click and Drag the questions by using the square arrow symbol next to each question.

To stop sorting, click the red banner above the list that says "Stop Sorting".


Changing The Order of Candidates/Options

Click and Drag using the square arrow symbol next to each candidate's name.


For any questions, please send us a chat using our Buddy Messenger in the bottom right of the screen.