Ballot Design - Yes/No Voting

Whether you are voting on a contract ratification, a strike, bylaw amendments, or have an unopposed candidate, you will likely be asking voters to vote Yes or No. Setting up a Yes or No vote with ElectionBuddy is supported.

The Plurality Voting method is commonly used for Yes or No votes. The option with the highest percentage of votes is declared the winner.

Setting Up Yes/No Questions

From Position or Question Type, choose "Yes or No", then select Continue.

Yes or No.jpg

In Add Question Details, enter a "Question Title" and the "Choices", then select Continue.


This will create the ballot question using the information entered.


Examples of Yes or No votes:




Also see:
Ballot Design - Single Candidate Acclamation for Unopposed Candidates
Ballot Design - Bylaw Amendments or Article Changes

Feb 26, 2025